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Subdivisions and Cadastral Operations in Gatineau
In the case of a subdivision project, it is essential to have a land surveyor draw up a project plan, which will be submitted to the municipality to obtain the subdivision permit. The parcels must then be "cadastralized", i.e., represented on a plan by assigning them new, distinct lot numbers. For all your cadastral operations in Gatineau and surrounding areas, call on the services of a recognized company: Michel Fortin A.G. Inc. and its team will do everything possible to provide you with quality work and reliable documents to facilitate the completion of your projects.
Subdivision Plan
The purpose of this document is to show, in particular, the lots to be created, proposed roads and accesses, easements, flood zones and water-front protection zone. Once this project plan has been submitted and approved by the Municipality or City, the cadastral operation begins.
Cadastral Operation
"Cadastre a plot of land", in common terms, means to represent a property on a plan, identifying it by a lot number. The cadastre includes the measurements of the land and its area, it also shows its shape and position in relation to neighbouring properties.
The cadastre of Quebec is a government register that includes many plans and documents drawn up by land surveyors. This register is used to publish property titles and protect property rights. It is also used for property assessment and the establishment of property limits.
As part of the Quebec Cadastre Reform Program, the Québec government is currently registering all public and private property located on its territory. Spread out over several years, the goal of this program is to identify each property and assign a unique lot number.
For more details on this operation, visit the Ministère de l'Énergie et des Ressources naturelles website.
Technical Description
This term covers the description of the boundaries of a parcel of land that is subject to special rights, among other things:
Administrative boundaries
Agricultural zoning limits
Pre-transaction agreements
The procedure consists of mentioning:
Each straight line limiting the plot, with its length and direction
The tenants, i.e. the land adjoining in the broadest direction
The endpoints, i.e. the plots that are adjacent in the longitudinal direction
The area
This description is accompanied by a plan illustrating the boundaries in question, as well as neighbouring properties.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.